Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Angry Birds: The Game

A fun and entertaining game for any age, even any gender.

This game is actually more of a puzzle game rather than an arcade game. It’s really addictive because every shot you can make more than a thousand points. It’s easier to go to the next level once you hit the right spot. In this game, the player uses a slingshot to launch birds at pigs stationed on or within various structures, with the intent of destroying all the pigs on the playfield. The player must have the perfect strategy to destroy each structure and that is the aim of the game puzzling and challenging. As players advance through the game, new birds appear, some with special abilities that can be activated by the player. There’s another cool version of angry birds after the Rio movie and that included them into the game, Angry Birds Rio Edition. It’s a more challenging game because instead of easier obstacles on lower levels Rio edition has a more complicated one from start to finish. Younger kids are really good at this. I hate to admit that after my little cousin ask me for a bet. I was in level 8 but he’s already in level 20 of the game at the same time during our bet. Too bad for an oldy like me, that’s why I sort of envy the old woman from the tv commercial about the technically inclined grandmother “Lola Techie”.

For more info about this game please check out: http://gameolosophy.com/games/action/angry-birds-the-game/ 

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Check Out What’s New and Coming This Fall on Your Favorite TV Stations

Schedules of you favorite Tv Programs from your favorite TV Stations.

We have the entire summer to wait for what’s new with our favorite tv programs and series.  And it’s definitely really exciting to wait for the new episodes to come. And I am so anxious and excited at the same time anticipating the Fall season to come because of my favorite tv programs like Supernatural, Big Bang Theory, Nikita, Chuck and a lot actually. Since I really don’t want to let my fellow addicts to feel the same way I do while waiting for these tv programs to go live on air again, I am giving all of you schedules of the most top rated tv programs in top rated tv stations.

Read more: http://telewatcher.com/reality/check-out-whats-new-and-coming-this-fall-on-your-favorite-tv-stations/#ixzz1RQ7etRMN

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Empire and Allies by Zynga: A Review

Empire and Allies by Zynga: A Review <= read more from here

On June 1, 2011, Zynga has launched a new online game over Facebook and little did I know I am hooked again with playing games online.
 I already stop playing games recently over facebook because I can’t keep up with the same goals of the game almost every time I log. So far I found out that this game has the same flaws of their other current games. Well, So far the connectivity is faster. That is in the first few hours since it was launched. We all know that Zynga is the number one social gaming company, developing and publishing games on social networks but I still believe from my previous observations as stated in my kinda older post (How Can CityVille Be So Addictive and So Annoying at the Same Time?).

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Are You Suffering From Migraine Headaches?

I do. This has been bothering me since I started my high school and up until now it’s giving a big headache.
You may want to consider Green Apple Fragrance for this. Yes, green apples the fruit. If you like the scent of this fruit, you just have to inhale the scent of it. A recent study of The Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago discovered that volunteers who liked the smell of apple experienced a huge effect on stabilizing their migraine headache. However among the 50 volunteers, 35 of them didn’t experience any effect to reduce their headache because they don’t like the smell of it. But this study shows that aromatherapy can help anyone who suffers from migraine headache. So if you like the smell of something, then you might want to use it as a cure. For me, I like the smell of strawberries and my oil burner has strawberry oil on it…smells good! =D

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Friday, May 27, 2011

Factors That Might Affect You and Your Family’s Weight Loss Plan

Have you ever wondered if stress in you and your family really aggravate your plan of loosing that excess weight? Here’s what I’ve found about it, and I realized that these facts have bothered me for quite some time already.
Stress Trigger: Slow things down
Studies have shown that too much stress (chronic stress) can produce too much cortisol. It’s a hormone that can ramp up appetite and this may lead you to overeating. Stress can also trigger comfort eating. That’s why a hectic lifestyle may affect your family’s weight. So slow things down a bit. Plan something like encouraging your family to a relaxation getaway. Go to family picnics in the beach or on top of a mountain or just by the backyard. My family does these during our days off from work and school. Just do something or anything that can help you pause and switch gears for a bit.
Stress Trigger: Too Little Sleep
Anybody who has too little sleep can make anyone still tired and cranky. (I’m guilty about this, yes I remembered something bcoz of this). Way back in my corporate days I was too fat and cranky. I only get 2-4 hours of sleep a day and that is why too little sleep can cause slow metabolism and unfortunately increases your appetite. So you risk your life on overeating unhealthy food choices and less activity at all just to keep awake at work. Might as well set a soothing routine like setting a regular bed time that will allow you to take a long sleep. Remember that adults and children have different sleeping hours:
Kids 6 and younger: 11 to 13
Grade-schoolers: 10 or 11
Teens: 8 to 10
Adults: 8 to 10 hours (I don’t advice to over sleep because you’ll feel the usual tired and cranky)
Stress Trigger: Money Troubles
Every time you feel stressed about your finances, the rest of the family can be too, probably because the family’s lifestyle has changed like no more movies or no more extra shopping. For kids, it just maybe that they sense something is wrong around the house. To avoid such feeling, be honest with your family. Be open about day-to-day concerns but keep an upbeat attitude. You can’t say “No more out of towns this year! Because we ran out of money and we can’t afford another vacation” instead say “An out-of-town vacation won’t happen this year, but let’s plan something fun around here.” Let them feel that things are going to be just fine and will still be ok in the feature.
Stress Trigger: Fighting Parents
When kids saw their parents fighting, they feel tense, particularly with kids under 10 because they still based their sense of security around the home. They felt threaten if they see parents shouting or hitting each other. These occurrences can also give them psychological trauma. To avoid such thing, your arguments should be kept low and private or if you can’t avoid the kids from hearing it both of you should acknowledge it. Remind your kid that everyone one argues sometimes and you reassure that you’ll work it out.
Stress Triggers: Stressed-Out Parents
If you struggle with stress and your kids see you at your worst hour, they gain knowledge to respond the same way. They will mimic how you eat on the go, staying up late or cranky. Show your kids the proper way of coping with your own stress in a healthy way.
When your kids see you struggling with stress, they learn to respond to stress the same way. They mimic how you stay up too late, eat on the go, or just get irritable. Admit when life feels hectic and make time to relax and pamper yourself. You kids will be watching and they will also offer you their soothing hands to help you out with that stress.
Stress Triggers: Friends
Just as you thought that friends could only be the most comforting of all but they could also be triggering your stress. Stay away from people who are demands too much not just of your time but also your attention in a way that they always wanted you to say yes to them when you cannot. Those who cannot understand your situation is not a real friend.  Also, when kids reach their 3rd or 4th grade, they base much of their self-worth on friends. Being bullied or getting hurt feelings could lead them to stress eating. Listen to your kids when they say that their friends are “mean” or if they act irritably about something.  Keep an open communication with your kids to know what’s going on in their social lives. If you notice extreme sadness and social withdrawal, talk to her first and if it’s necessary with a health professional.
Stress Trigger: School
In this competitive world we live in, us adults has learned to go with it and even young kids today worries about performing well in class, recitals or keeping up in sports and other activities. These lead kids to feel a lot stressed out just to please their parents or anyone to get a pleasant attention (well, some parents tend to be so perfectionist). Instead help them out.  Assist your kids to find activities he excels at or enjoys. Provide encouragement to try hard, tell him to keep on practicing and acknowledge even small successes. Help kids organized such as making weekly task list and checking them off so they could see and feel their accomplishments in school.
Stress Trigger: Boredom
Kids and even adults feel boredom most of the time especially when kids are done with school work. Adults may feel some redundancy about what they used to do and these people might just crave for something else like junk foods while spending too much time on video games or TV. They end up making poor choices just to feel stimulated. For kids, an after-school program and regular physical activity for even an hour a day can provide them just enough downtime after school. For adults, keep an active lifestyle like a 30 minute walk or run in a day can have a huge effect on your mood. No dull moments while walking. You can also walk after work and listen to some good music you really like. You can go out with your friends and have a good time on your days off. There are lots of things you can do to avoid boredom. Just be creative.
Stress Trigger: Irregular Eating
Replacing or skipping meals with something light makes it hard for us to balanced and maintain energy all day. This can take a toll on our ability to focus on health. It can lead us to excessive eating for something really unnecessary. Instead, stick to 3 meals and 2 snacks a day (this works for most of the families I used to know). Take time to eat with the family together, this helps kids eat happier and healthier too. This has been proven by studies already. Here in the Philippines we say “The family that eats together stays together”.
Stress Trigger: Multitasking
Not only teenagers can do multitasking, adults do multitasking all the time. Especially the mothers, from preparing breakfast for the family to prepare to work and preparing dinner again for the whole family. The best thing to do here is that always remember, you can’t do ALL of the things you want to at the same time. Learn to prioritize. Doing things slowly make you feel a little more calmer than you thought you could be and learning how deep breathing can help you  think about which one to start and which one to finish.  Multitasking for me is something you can do in one place. You can type the keyboard while sipping a cup of coffee, while talking on the phone by your right ear and listening to a cool music on your left. Too much huh? hahaha

Stress Trigger: Being Inside Too Much
Kids -- and even grown-ups, too – feels much better when they get to go out in nature or just about anywhere as long as they can enjoy the place they’re into. One study showed that hospital patients fared better from just seeing trees from their windows. I can attest to this because there was a time just about last week when my hubby was on a vacation and we can’t go out somewhere because it’s raining and we don’t feel like spending the money we have until his pay day. We are confined inside the house and we feel so bored already. Luckily we got tons of movies and we just indulge watching those.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

World's Famous Sinkholes

 A Pit reminds us of Hell…isn’t it? Deep, dark and scary sinkholes that could eat us alive anytime even occur on any day. A Sinkhole is a natural depression or hole in the Earth’s surface caused by Karst Processes or the chemical dissolution of carbonate rocks or suffusion processes for example in sandstones. Sinkholes may be formed gradually or suddenly, and are found worldwide. The pictures below are the famous sinkholes worldwide.

Guatemala Sinkhole 2010

This sinkhole was triggered by the tropical storm Agatha that hit the city of Guatemala in May of 2010. This said to be be a man made sinkhole due to the piping features. The underground infrastructure were built in a region where the first few hundred meters of ground are mostly made up of a material  called pumice fill which was deposited during past volcanic eruptions .The sinkhole has swallowed a huge building but no victims was reported.

Guatemala Sinkhole 2007

This sinkhole appeared not far from the 2010 sinkhole in the said city in 2007. This hole is said to be as deep as the sinkhole in 2010 of about 60 feet wide and 300 feet deep.
Winter Park, Florida Sinkhole

The sinkhole in this city opened up in 1981 underneath the city’s swimming pool. The occurrence could have been a leakage from the pool. The water can flow into the underlying soil through cracks in the bottom of the pool. Even watering plants could have added enough runoff through Florida’s sandy soil to erode solid limestone underneath.

Blue Hole, Belize

Sinkholes can happen anywhere, where water can erode a vertical channel that connects to a horizontal drain, a situation that allows a column of solid material to wash away. If the sinkhole is near the sea—or in the sea, as with the famous Blue Hole in Lighthouse Reef off the coast of Belize—seawater can quickly seep in after a collapse, forming a deep pool.

Picher, Oklahoma, Sinkhole

Long term of mining for zinc made this sinkhole in this particular place in Oklahoma in 2008.Some mines were dug too close to the surface, and the roofs were unable to support the weight of earth on top, leading to collapses.

Iceland Sinkhole

This is a photo of adventure kayaker Mick Coyne while he lowers himself down the wall of this famous sinkhole in Jokulsa,Iceland. This inverted funnel-shaped hole was created by rising steam from geothermal vents below the river. This hole is said to be 150 feet or 45 meters deep.

Ik-Kil Cenote, Mexico

Swimmers floating in the saphire waters of Ik-Kil cenote, near the famous Mayan site in Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula. Cenote means "natural well" in spanish. Sinkholes at sea level will fill up as high as the water's surface, creating the famous clear blue pools. This pool is said to have been used by the Mayan royalties for both relaxation and ritual sacrifices.

Lisbon, Portugal, Sinkhole

An unfortunate bus has been the meal of this sinkhole in the city of Lisbon in Portugal while the bus was parked where the sinkhole opened up in 2003. Anything that increases the flow of water in to the subsurface of soil can speed up the formation of any sinkholes.

Neversink Pit, Alabama

This sinkhole was discovered in 1998. It is about 50 feet deep and shelters rare species of ferns. The sinkhole was bought in the 1990's by a group of cavers to preserve it for future generations. Neversink pit is a wet limestone sinkhole which is actually formed due to the Karst process mainly by dissolving of limestone or dolomite bedrock.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Be Expert in Math!

Do you believe that Math is just about patterns? I just watcha tv this morning and this is the topic from the early morning show. I bet you are scared in math too. I am scared and I am not ashamed to admit that because I highly do believed that I am not alone. :-) So glad that I was able to have watched it today and it gave me an idea how to make multiplication easier to handle.Here's what I found and I think some people already knows about it, but for the benefit of the others who do not know and wanted to be expert in math, you gotta see this. All you need is a lot of patience, huge focus and avoid temptation to walk out of your monitor. I know this could be a little fainting and nose bleeding if you have a phobia with numbers.

Multiply Up to 20X20 In Your Head

In just FIVE minutes you should learn to quickly multiply up to 20x20 in your head.  With this trick, you will be able to multiply any two numbers from 11 to 19 in your head quickly, without the use of a calculator.
I will assume that you know your multiplication table reasonably well up to 10x10.

Try this:

  • Take 15 x 13 for an example.
  • Always place the larger number of the two on top in your mind.
  • Then draw the shape of Africa mentally so it covers the 15 and the 3 from the 13 below. Those covered numbers are all you need.
  • First add 15 + 3 = 18
  • Add a zero behind it (multiply by 10) to get 180.
  • Multiply the covered lower 3 x the single digit above it the "5" (3x5= 15)
  • Add 180 + 15 = 195.
That's basically it... You can try it in the paper if you think it's that confusing.

or you can try this other one too. This is I think easier for me.

Finger Math: 9X Rule
To multiply by 9,try this:
  1.  Spread your two hands out and place them on a desk or table in front of you.
  2.  To multiply by 3, fold down the 3rd finger from the left. To multiply by 4, it would be the 4th finger and so on.
  3. the answer is 27 ... READ it from the two fingers on the left of the folded down finger and the 7 fingers on the right of it.
This rule actually works for anything up to 9x10.

My Diet Diary

 this is me in the year 2004 (i guess)
 and this is me 2011... i feel bad already! broad shoulders don't you think?

Everyday in my life, I eat. I eat as if I'll get sick if I won't eat 3-6 times a day. Yes, I guess I am scared of starving myself. Because I got sick when I tried to that before. But ever since I came back from my parents house a gained a few pounds already and it's making me cry. I used to be fit when I was younger...My shirts sizes before was small and now Medium not even  Large fits me that well. I have bulges every time I sit. My pants before used to be 26 inch and now 30-32 seems to be just fine. Honestly, I don't care if I get bulges from eating too much chocolate, rice, noodles and even cakes and ice cream, but the thing is that I don't feel healthy anymore.I did Atkins Diet already, tried a few slimming pills (even the worst one), and already tried those slimming coffee. Yeah, they all worked for me. But after achieving a few results I tend to stop. Probably because  I feel good already. And I must say, I have a very generous husband who sabotage my diet as always. He keeps on giving me chocolates as presents or if I say I'm craving for this and that, and just a few moments its already in front of me... Tempting me to taste it even just a tiny bite...and that little bite turns into a munch until I can't stop eating it and empty the package... And now I'm guilty. I can already feel the worst thing about being fat. Don't get me wrong... I like being chubby. They say I look better with my flabs.. lol Some of my friends don't like me being skinny the way I look like when I was in high school and college.So now, I am making this decision that I have to stick to my diet. I have to make it a little drastic and yet realistic and safe of course. But still I wont starve myself. I am writing it here just to remind myself that anyone who can read this blog already knows I am on a diet and I have to show them that I really did it. I am really not sure why I am doing this posting stuff but it's I guess one way of motivating myself (a part from the being healthy kind of motivation). So I was thinking I should start doing the following in order for me to succeed. I am open to any suggestion if you have one.

1. No rice anytime of the day please.
2. No soda please. (even if hubby insist)
3. More veggies and fruits (i do this all the time)
4. Chips and chocolates smaller portions please? I wish I could do this (I did it before, why can't now?)
5. Meat?I hope not...probably only during his (hubby's) day off.
6. I can eat carbs only if its a ramyun or small serving of pasta.
7. Jog/walk at least 30mins in the morning (i can do at least an hour in the am) and another 30mins in the afternoon.
8. I'll try to do sit ups (but its hard for me because I feel like my head is being squeeze or something ) but still I'll 10-30 reps is I guess fine.
9. I'll continue my vitamins...I hope I can manage to do that always... too lazy and forgetful but still again I will try.
10. Have the determination and discipline to do all this stuff I listed above.

Please God guide me to do all this. This is for my own good.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Who are You?

Have you ever hated someone you truly loved before? How did you feel when he tried to ask for forgiveness? In this poem, the author will tell you how... http://authspot.com/poetry/who-are-you-47/

Monday, May 16, 2011

Inspired by You!

I was young then, and I am not saying that I am that old now... but I can never forget how happy I was when I got inspired by someone... someone whom I like very much and he's not aware of it and little did he know that I already knew how he felt about me and is sooo afraid to let me know about it. Take a read of this poem I wrote for him. http://authspot.com/poetry/inpired-by-you/ . This was way back in college...so no harm done for my hubby. =)

Bleeding Heart

Just as you thought that only human hearts are the only ones who could bleed if you feel pain (well, metaphorically speaking) and usually this could be the worst thing for you. But this poem tells you that not only humans can bleed...and if this circumstance occur to it, its at their best. Read more about it at http://authspot.com/poetry/bleeding-heart-18/


We thought that life seems to be so hard on us and we tend to feel like we wanted to surrender to not feel pain anymore... this poem is something like that.. read more about it http://authspot.com/poetry/life-638/.

Tips About Downloading Torrent Files

New to this thing? Worry no more... I'll give you insights on what this frog and all these icons about. These are actually torrent clients which will be able to help you out about downloading torrents and get stuff that could help biggie about almost everything. Read further about this here http://webupon.com/file-sharing/tips-on-how-to-download-quality-torrents/ . Let me know how it helped you in anyway! =)

Speed Up Your Computers' Performance!

A part from the storage and processors capacity of a computer, there are other factors that could affect the speed of your computer. Things you need to know to boost your pc's performance. To learn more about click it here http://computersight.com/communication-networks/security/want-to-speed-up-your-computers-performance/. This could be an eye opener for you too.Check it out!

Legitimate Free Applications and Contents For Your Self to Enjoy!

Want something for free? A free mobile applications? Computer applications? Movies? Music Albums? or even books? Get the latest stuff at no cost not even an extra cost. All you gotta do is read about it here on my post http://computersight.com/software/free-movies-computer-applications-books-audio-and-games/ .

Tips on Hacking Online Accounts

This is an article about the truth on hacking important accounts online. Everything we access online can be hack. This short article tells you how. Read more about it here http://computersight.com/communication-networks/security/how-to-hack-an-email-account/ .

Affirmative! Hacking Helps!

Ever wonder what hacking can do to our lives or to the lives of other people? My article shows you how... This is a well researched article I've written inspired by the people of Japan. Read further here http://webupon.com/services/hacking-means-helping/ .

Loosing Data on Friendster? Is Your Social Networking Site Leaving You and Taking Your Data and Files with Them?

This news could be quite alarming! With Facebook and MySpace created a new world in social networking, is Friendster announcing its defeat and just retreat taking all your information and files together with them? To find out how they're trying to handle the situation please read further here: http://webupon.com/social-networks/friendster-to-delete-account-contents/

Highly Recommended Files Compression Tools

I've written this article to share to all of you who wanted to get the best of a compression tool to help you send and receive compressed files online. This application have been proven and tested best at what they are made up for. For more details about this article please read it here http://computersight.com/software/the-best-file-compression-tools-ever-made/